Ni Hao, Kai-Lan is a American fantasy animated series that ran from February 7, 2008 to August 21, 2011 with 40 episodes and 3 seasons.
Please: Add well-known theories about the show.
Kai-Lan is a CCP spy[]
It has been theorized that Kai-Lan is a CCP spy paid by Xi-Jimping to spread communist, Chinese and anti-american propaganda to the viewers, who are mostly children. It is also thought that Nickelodeon was paid by the Chinese Government to broadcast the show to the United States of America
The secret, planned episode with John Cena[]
It has been revealed by some reliable source that the show was planning secretly an episode featuring the popular professional WWE wrestler and actor John Cena. He would've taught the viewers some Chinese word along with Kai-Lan. If the episode would have have been aired to television, this would've been the first time John Cena was recorded speaking chinese.
Kai-Lan is now a Onlyfans pornstar/model[]
It's theorized that Kai-Lan at age 24 is now a popular onlyfans model and pornstar. It's also theorized that she started working in the adult industry at age 18.
Where is Kai-Lan's parents?[]
It is unknown what happened to Kai-Lan's parents, some had speculated that her parents might had been deceased while others believed that they might had gone on business trips.
Who is KaiLan’s Cousin[]
It is Revealed that Kai-Lan's cousin is Sky From Total Drama
Kai-Lan's birthday[]
Many fans had speculated that she might had been born on November 8, 2001 based on the show's original airdate of Fall 2007 before it got delayed, the first two episodes aired as sneak peeks on November 2007 and her age (6).
Kai-Lan cancelled due to lawsuit[]
It is speculated that the show was cancelled due to a lawsuit by Caitlin Sanchez. Fans thought they would either win the lawsuit and get quick cash. However, this theory was debunked as the lawsuit was going towards only Nickelodeon due to a "breach of contract" involving her and the fact Sanchez lost the lawsuit.