Fan Theories Wiki

In Robotboy, there are three background characters that appear alot. These are a brown haired, brown eyed boy, a brown haired, blue eyed boy with a yellow hoodie, and a red haired brown eyed girl with a blue collared dress. Their name proposals from fans are Lukas, Finn, and Julia. Julia has an intriguing and terrifying story that may give you nightmares.

Julia is a pretty quiet 10-year-old girl. When at home, she indulges herself in anime, toy-collecting, and caring for her pets. She has seven fish and an axolotl. Her favorite type of fish are Siamese Fighting Fish. She separates the fish and the axolotl, since she has educated herself on fish care. “I like fish and marine animals more than humans. They won’t hurt me, they won’t punch me until I’m coughing blood. They don’t make me think I’m about to be beaten to death.” Is a quote that fits Julia pretty well. She also has schizophrenia and lives with an abusive family. She has resorted to stealing stuffed animals to help her feel loved. She imagines eyes watching her and coins as teeth.
